كود لا تموت
god - Enable invincibility.
رفع قيمة الدم عندما تكون منخفضه يعني دمي قربت اموت هذا كود بعبي الدم فل
healme - Refill Geralt's HP bar.
تبديل للعب في الشخصيه اسم سيري غيرو لى ايه اسم لامبرت مثلا ايسكول ايه اسم بدك ايه
ciri - Switch player character to Ciri.
لى عوده لى شخصيه جيرالت الرئيسيه
geralt - Revert player character to Geralt.
رفع الفلsetlevel 15 مثلا او ايه لفل 100 مثلا
setlevel(#) - Sets your player level. Example: setlevel(15)
levelup - Advance player level by 1.
اعطاء خبره او كود حصول على الخبره معينه مثلا 50 الف خبره addexp
addexp(#) - Adds specified amount of experience points. Example: addexp(25000)
learnskill(skill) - Learns specified skill. Example: learnskill(sword_s3) Re-entering command will increase skill level.
likeaboss - This is a toggle command (typing it again will turn it off). When likeaboss mode is enabled, all damage you deal will be 40% of the recipient's maximum health level. If the NPC you damage has a maximum health of 10,000, with this mode enabled you would deal 4,000 damage with each hit.
cat(1) - Activates night vision. تفعيل عين القط لى الرؤيه اليليه
cat(0) - Disables night vision. اغلاق عين القط لى رؤيه اليليه
drunk(1) - Enables Drunk Mode. اكون سكران او ثمل
drunk(0) - Disables Drunk Mode. اصحصح من السكر وا الثماله
setbeard(1) - Grows a beard on Geralt. يصبح لدي لحيه
shave - Removes Geralt's facial hair. حلق لحية جيرالت
اكواد خاصه في الوشوم يمكن اثار الضرب وا الامور موجوده على جلد شخصيه الاول
1 اغفاء او تشغيل مش متاكد 0 نفس الاشي
seatattoo(1) - Enables tattoo from Witcher 2 save.
seatattoo(0) - Removes tattoo from Witcher 2 save.
additem(name,#) - Adds designated item(s) to inventory. Example: additem(Bear Armor 1,3) Specifying item quantities is optional.
addmoney(#) - Adds specified amount of Crowns. Example: addmoney(100000)
removemoney(#) - Removes specified number of Crowns. Example: removemoney(5)
addkeys - Gives you all keys required to open all doors.
spawn(name,#) - Spawns a specified amount of NPCs. Example: spawn(bear_grizzly,50)
killall - Kill all enemies engaged in combat.
makeitrain - Toggle stormy weather.
stoprain - Stops rain from falling.
gotoNovigrad - Immediately fast-travel to Novigrad.
gotoSkellige - Immediately fast-travel to the Skellige Isles.
gotoKaerMorhen - Immediately fast-travel to Kaer Morhen.
gotoProlog - Immediately fast-travel to White Orchard.
gotoPrologWinter - Immediately fast-travel to White Orchard.
showAllFT(1) - Discover all Signposts.
showPins(1) - Discover all map icons and areas.
secretgwint - Immediately play a round of Gwent anywhere.
winGwint(#) - Win current Gwent game with specified number of power points.
addgwintcards - Adds one of every Gwent card to your deck.
additem(card,#) - Adds specified number of desired Gwent cards. Example: additem(gwint_card_werewolf,10)